quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013

Sociodrama Simultaneo Mundial / Simultaneous World Sociopsicodrama - 21/12/2013

Em Lisboa, por Manuela Maciel:

Dear Colleagues and Fellow Citizens of the World,

We have gathered a group of around 30 people specially for the ocasion of the SMS with the intention "Of what can we do for our Family and Comunity"in dowtown, center of Lisbon.

We did a Sociodrama, using some assistance from the Sociodrama Manual from Rosalie Minkin (USA) and some personal guidance that she gave me and to which I am very grateful.


With the topic/intention above the Director had wrote down 30 roles in pieces of paper from which the participants (many not knowing about psychodrama) picked each one a role... The imaginary was a park in Lisbon and the people could use scarves to take the roles and first they walked around in silence feeling their roles in their bodies as they were walking.. After I interviewed some of them, to make sure they were taking their own role..

After they could interview each other and let know each other who they were and they tried to find better solutions for the comunity...

We had on stage roles like: rich person, emigrant, unemployed, corrupt, mother, child, grandmother,Nelson Mandela, builder, sweeper, tree, cat,dog,the self sustaining development expert, the scientist, the foreigner, the humorist, the inovator, the journalist, the senior( old person), etc.

Some roles like the father, the politian, the legislator, Pope Francisco were left on the box and only mentioned in the end of the drama phase .It was interesting that the ones left, not chosen, had more to do with structured power and the father figure...Whcich was commented by some participants.

After the action people shared still in their role about how they felt and thought in the interaction and after they shared in their own and we took notes on a flip chart about their sharing.

Conclusions of Sharing:

Some notes that we took about the common reflection:

What can we do?

Family- Comunity

Look around and contribute to the common good

Atitude of Construction, despite the destructive forces

Militar make revolutions without weapons, build cottages around the trees and fight against corruption

Put ourselves in the roles of others which allows Empathy

Don`t let the power of hate/fear be bigger then the power of Love

Create more spaces of Encounter like this one

Inner Peace which spreads around and results from Transformtion

More will. More Initiative

Unemployed trying to find out what the other people need and concentrate on solutions

Overcome the fear of not surviving

Find a balance among the Me and the We

Give importance to feelings and afection and not only verbalizing or rationalizing

Give ourselves time to Stop

Change what we can

Help the fellowmen


Give without expecting receiving and the self satisfaction that this gives

Analise and help the allienated/lost and study allienation phenomena

Consolidate the power of Love even if it is the "conspiracy" of love

Create a system of education for love and peace

Us being Agents of transformation

Children with more values, by the Educators, Media and Marketing policies.

Unfortunately we didn`t take any photos as after we were all running to the Light Show, also for free, in the main plaza in Lisbon!!!

We Wish you All a Merry Christamas and a Happy New Year,

With Love from Portugal,

Manuela Maciel



O que podemos fazer ?

Família - comunidade

Ver a volta e contribuir p o bem comum
Atitude de Construcao ,apesar das forças destrutivas
Militares a fazerem revoluções sem armas e a construírem cabanas nas árvores
Colocarmo-nós no papel dos outros,permite uma maior Empatia
Não deixar q o poder do ódio/medo seja maior do q o poder do amor
Criar mais espaços de Enconttro como estes
Paz interior q resulta de uma. Transformação interior
Mais vontade. Mais iniciativa
Desempregados a procurar o que os outros precisam e a concentrarem-se nas soluções e no que é necessário
Vencer o medo de não subsistir
Encontrar um equiliíbrio entre o Eu e o Nos
Dar importância ao sentir e aos afectos mais do q só verbalizar e racionalizar
Dar tempo para parar
Mudar aquilo que está ao nosso alcance
Ajudar o próximo
Dar sem estar a espera de receber com a satisfação que isso pode dar
Analisar e ajudar os alienados/perdidos e estudar o fenómeno da alienação
Como consolidar as luta,o poder do Amor
Criar um sistema de educação para a paz e o amor
Sermos agentes de transformação
Crianças com valores, passados pelos Educadores e pelos média e marketing

By Manuela Maciel, 21/12/2013

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